Tuesday, November 18, 2008

2009 Committments

I have committed to pace the 3:30 group, Surf City Marathon on Feb 1, 2009.

I have also signed up for the 113th running of the Boston Marathon on April 20, 2009. Six days later, I am supposed to toe the line at the Big Sur Marathon; I know, stupid is as stupid does.




Love2Run said...

I'm jealous! Only can do Boston this year...

Arcane said...

I was toying with the idea of doing Big Sur after boston next year, but decided against it. I'd like to do Big Sur eventually though.

Quinto Sol said...

I was actually going to skip Boston, but I low-balled priceline and it accepted my offer ($75). After this, I went ahead and registered for the race. I will use the free ticket I got from the NYCM trip.

Arcane- we can run Big Sur for fun... :-)

seebo said...

thanks for posting your comment, got me back here and reading your NYC report. for some reason i thought you weren't blogging anymore. great report on nyc, congrats on a gutsy run. nyc is the one course i have never been able to figure out how to run.