Thursday, December 06, 2007

2008 Agenda and Running Goals

I don't like to state goals too far in advance for fear of 'jinxing' them. In this case I will break with my protocol.

January 27 - Austin 3M Half - To break 1:30 and qualify for NYCM

February 3 - Superbowl 5K, Redondo Beach, CA - sub-19:15

March 16 - Rome Marathon - Training run, sub-3:30

** I found a terrific fare to Madrid (one week in Spain) and coming back from (one week in Italy) Rome in Lufthansa... $550!!!

April 21 - Boston Marathon - Sub-3:10

May 18 - Greenbay Marathon - Training Run, 3:30-3:35

September 6 - Marathon du Medoc - Fun run, sub 5:00 (two weeks in France, of which five days will be in paree`)

October 4 - St. George Marathon, Utah - Sub- 3:21 (subject to lottery acceptance)

November 2 - NYCM - sub-3:20 (having ran five NYCMs and not being able to break 3:40 makes this the GOAL!)

And... drum roll, I intend to ramp up mileage into the 60s.


Arcane said...

Wow 6 marathons!! Good luck! Are you sure about the qualifying standards for nycm? I thought you needed a 2:50 full to qualify which presumably would mean you would have to do a half at least as fast.

Appletini said...

Wow! You still have my complete admiration.
SPAIN! I will be there in the fun :)
P.S. I finally found your lost comment...I found it in my blogger dashboard. It never made it to my gmail :(

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! You have really thought about your 2008 season!


Emma said...

These sound like fantastic goals. My only immediate goals are...make sandwich. Chew sandwich. Swallow sandwich. Maybe make coffee, but only if I'm feeling really ambitious.

Anonymous said...


Not to interrupt the lovefest, but if you have solid time goals, why run so many marathons? I mean to do them to do them is one thing, but to my mind, you'll get the best times out of choosing 2-3 a year and going from there. Six is cool for marathon maniacs and what not, but to me, to get the most out of the marathon...